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Enthusiastic crowd enjoying a live concert, with many hands raised in the air.

Event Design & Conceptualization

- AI-Driven Creativity:

Our AI tools are harder at work than a Dubliner on St. Patrick’s Day, sifting through trends and concocting unique themes and concepts that match your preferences and the event’s vibe.

- Personalised Themes: 

Whether you’re hankering for a hooley that’s as Irish as a snug in a pub or something with a dash of international zest, we customize the event's theme to mirror your dream.

Event planner with a megaphone directing attendees at an outdoor event.

Event Scheduling  & Planning

 - Efficient Scheduling:


Our AI software lays out a detailed itinerary for the event, keeping everything as timely as a well-tuned fiddle.

- Activity Coordination:


We handle all the particulars, from workshops to entertainment, making sure the event runs as smoothly as a creamy pint of the good stuff.

Elegant event table setting with white tablecloths, floral centerpieces, and folded napkins.

Venue Selection & Coordination

- Optimal Recommendations:


Our AI scouts out Cork’s gems to land the perfect venue that fits the event’s scale, atmosphere, and practical needs—leaving no stone unturned.

- Integrated Management:


From caterers to decorators, we help wrangle all your vendors together, ensuring the whole affair meshes seamlessly.

Event Planner arranging details in a lush garden, focusing on a floral arrangement.

On-the-Day Event Management

Event coordinator using a megaphone to give instructions, standing against a bright orange background.

Marketing & Promotion

Sophisticated event table setting featuring a white tablecloth, elegant china, and a greenery centerpiece.

Post-Event Analysis

- Full Onsite Support:


Our crew is boots on the ground, managing every aspect of the event to ensure it unfolds without a wrinkle.

- Troubleshooting:


Swift to react to any snags, keeping your event sailing straight as a die.

- Tailored Marketing Strategies:

Using AI to cut through market clutter, we craft a bespoke marketing strategy that’s bound to draw a crowd.

- Digital Campaigns:


Elevate your event’s profile and stir up excitement across social media, email marketing, and other online avenues.

- Feedback Collection:


We can deploy surveys to catch the craic from your guests, evaluating the festivity's hit and spotting areas for a bit of polish.

- Detailed Reporting:


Receive a full report on everything from guest satisfaction to how the budget was managed.


© 2024 by Rascal Events Cork

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